Knowing Poe: The Literature, Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe... In Baltimore and Beyond

Maryland Public Television
2005 Webby Award Winner!
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203 N. Amity Street
Random Raven
John Astin as Edgar Allan Poe

Transcript of John Astin as Edgar Allan Poe

I was not a wealthy man. Even when my works were widely read and my name was known throughout the land, I did not garner great riches from my fame. My years in Baltimore were exceptionally horrid. Oh, there were good times - nights at pubs, visiting friends around town. Sometimes, though, we were so close to starving that my dear Auntie Maria Poe Clemm went begging to our relatives around town for food and money. But you'll not draw me out concerning details of my private life! As my nautical narrator in "Manuscript Found in a Bottle" said, "Of my country and of my family I have little to say." Some things about me you'll just have to unravel for yourself!
