Teachers: Check out this note from our advisors and Lesson Plans
and Lesson Plans
for strategies and printables to help you use this site with a range of readers.

Special site features
Knowing Poe contains two sections of interactive activities:
Poe the Person
Contains activities related to Poe's life, especially in Baltimore
- Poe's Baltimore, an interactive map through which users can see Baltimore then (in Poe's time) and now.
- 203 N. Amity Street, a visit to Poe's tiny Baltimore home (now a museum) to look at its many artifacts.
- Interactive Timeline, a section where users can examine Poe's life and literature in context, using 19th century historical and literary timelines.
- It'll be the Death of Me, an interactive investigation of one of the greatest mysteries of Poe's life-why did this great author die?
- School Days, a look at a bill for Poe's schooling, with an option for users to compare those costs with their own.
Poe the Writer
Contains activities related to some of Poe's most famous stories and poems
- Point of View, a look at Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado" through three perspectives-the protagonist, the antagonist, and an omniscient narrator.
- "The Bells", a section where users can customize a special recitation of this famous and melodic poem.
- The Poetic Principle, an interactive exploration of Poe's famous essay, culminating with a look at Poe' "Annabel Lee."
- Secret Writing, a study of cryptography-what it means, how it works, and how it figures into Poe's short story "The Gold Bug."
- Annotated Poe, a complete investigation of the poem, citing word meanings, references, poetic devices and more.
- Poe the Perfectionist, an interactive look at ways in which Poe reworked his writing through an examination of "The Lake."
- My Tell-Tale Heart, a chance for readers to annotate Poe's work with their own thoughts, ideas, links, and observations on the story and its style.
- Picture This, an activity to help readers "see" Poe's short story, "The Black Cat" in a new way.
Knowing Poe also has:

Knowing Poe is perfect for:
- An author study focused on this important literary figure.
- Studies in nineteenth century literature.
- Units focused on the short story.
- An examination of the processes writers employ as they create great work:
- An interdisciplinary study-work with other teachers to present different sections of the site.

- A computer in the classroom
If you do not have a classroom computer, you can print out and copy the pages of an activity.
Some activities that can be used this way:
If you have more than one computer in your classroom, consider allowing teams or groups of students to visit the site during one class period. Make sure to bookmark our site for easy access.
- Classroom access to the Internet
If you do not have Internet access, you can web whack site activities and use them in your classroom. (see this site if you use Internet Explorer
- A display device that you can use to show the site to the entire class
Ask your tech support person or department to check on availability and tips on usage. If you do not have such a device, consider printing site pages for the class or allowing teams of students to visit the site for special projects.
